Some points you need to consider about job rotations
1) Here are some practical recommendations you should think about when considering a job rotation program at your organization. Proactively manage job rotation as a component of your training and career-development system. Job rotation may be especially valuable for organizations that require firm-specific skills because it provides an incentive to organizations to promote from within because that is when they are most likely to find the needed skill sets.
2) Have a clear understanding of exactly which skills will be enhanced by placing an employee into the job-rotation process. Address skills that aren't enhanced by job rotation through specific training programs and management coaching.
3) Consider the use of job rotation for employees in nonexempt jobs, as well as for those in professional and managerial jobs. Job rotation may be of great value for developing retaining employees in all types of jobs.
4) Consider the use of job rotation with later-career and plateaued employees, as well as with early-career employees. Some organizations may have the tendency to rotate employees too fast in early-career stages and too slow in later-career stages. Job rotation can be a good way to reduce the effects of the plateauing process by adding stimulation to employees work. Consider project or ½ day or ½ partial rotations that don't require as much of a formal shift in location and managers.
5You can use job rotation as a means of career development without necessarily granting promotions- so it may be especially useful for downsized organizations because it provides opportunities to develop and motivate employees.