No matter how good the communication system in an organisation is, unfortunately barriers can and do often occur. This may be caused by a number of factors which can usually be summarised as being due to physical barriers, system design faults or additional barriers.
Have you ever been talking to some one and they misunderstood what you were saying? Or have you ever faced a situation of miscommunication?
Why do you think that happens?
This happens because of barriers in communication process. Anything which blocks the meaning of a communication is a barrier to communication. Barriers keep us from understanding other‘s ideas and thoughts. Barriers can appear at any point of communication loop.
Why do you think that happens?
This happens because of barriers in communication process. Anything which blocks the meaning of a communication is a barrier to communication. Barriers keep us from understanding other‘s ideas and thoughts. Barriers can appear at any point of communication loop.
Barriers to communication are things people say or do that are obstacles to good conversation or good interpersonal interaction. They are hurdles that do not bring discussion satisfaction. They are high-risk responses who impact on communication is frequently negative.
These hindrances are more likely to be destructive when one or more persons who are interacting are under stress. These roadblocks frequently diminish the other's self-esteem.
These roadblocks tend to trigger our defensiveness, resistance, and resentment.
They can lead to our dependency, withdrawal, feelings of defeat, or of inadequacy. They decrease the likelihood that we will find the solution to our problem. Each roadblock is a feeling-blocker. They reduce the likelihood that the we will constructively express our true feelings.
The repeated use of barriers can cause permanent damage to a relationship.
These twelve ways of responding are viewed as high-risk responses, rather than inevitably destructive elements of all communication. They are more likely to block conversation, thwart the other person's problem solving efficiency, and increase the emotional distance between people than other ways of communicating.
There are two types of barriers
Internal barriers- fatigue, poor listening skills, attitude towards the sender or the information, lack of interest in the message, fear, mistrust, past experiences, and emotions. Here is a list of or reasons why we sometimes find it difficult to take the risk and communicate our true attitudes and feelings to one another.
Fear of exposing my/our deep feelings and my/our weaknesses
Fear that the other person will not understand my feelings
Fear that the listener may hurt me by blaming me or putting me down
Fear of appearing less in the listener’s eyes
Fear of not being taken seriously
Fear of negative feedback from my partner or a fear of potential conflict
Fear of appearing self-centered
Fear that listener will not be able to cope with such disclosures or that I will not be able to cope with listener’s reactions
External Barriers- noise distractions, e-mail not working, bad phone connections, time of day, jargons, environment etc.
The choice of right channel helps the receiver understand the nature and importance of a Message
An effective communication takes place in the presence of common language between the
speaker and the receiver
Physical things that get in the way communication. For example: telephone, noise,
Uncomfortable meeting place etc.
Overcoming Barriers
"Discover why we misunderstand so often"
"Understand how several people can each hear something different"
"Learn how to gain clarity in your message"
"Learn how to allow your message to be accepted by others"
"Discover innovative new thinking tools for powerful self-communication"
"Effective Listing"
"Effective Specking"
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