Effective dissemination of safety information is essential for a successful Injury and Illness Prevention Plan. Indeed, experience has shown that training of employees is the single most effective means of reducing injuries and illnesses in the work place. This training should include general safe work practices as well as specific instruction on control of hazards unique to each employee's job assignment.
Types of Training Many types of training may be used to communicate safety-related information to employees. Training may vary widely with respect to instructional method, setting, subject matter, etc.
Classroom instruction, which involves the presentation of general or specialized safety information to a group of employees in a classroom or conference setting.
Job-site safety meetings, which are informal gatherings of small groups of employees, usually for the purpose of discussing safety matters related to the work being performed in the immediate area (e.g., "tailgate meetings" on job sites).
On-the-job training, in which a single or small number of employees receive personalized instruction from their supervisor.
Written instruction or training materials.
General Safety Training General safety training refers to instruction or guidance, which is of general applicability and not related to specialized trades or procedures. Examples include office safety, fire safety, and general hazard awareness. EH&S is responsible for conducting regularly scheduled sessions on general safety. Supervisors must ensure that employees are made aware of the requirement for and availability of general safety training.
Training by Supervisors Job-specific safety training sessions dealing with an employee's unique job assignment must be developed by each supervisor. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to understand his/her employees' job tasks and related hazards. Supervisors will be provided health and safety training, which should be used in conjunction with experience and education to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the nature of hazards to which employees under their immediate direction and control may be exposed. EH&S should be consulted to determine the appropriate level of training required for specific assignments.
Frequency of Training As a general guideline, employees should be provided with safety-related instruction:
Upon reporting to work;
Prior to assignment on a new job assignment for which training has not been previously provided;
Whenever new substances, processes, procedures or equipment which represent a new hazard are introduced into the workplace;
Whenever the supervisor receives notification or obtains knowledge of a new or previously unrecognized hazard.
In addition, the frequency requirements for specialized training, as described in the various Hazard Control Programs, must also be met.
Retention of Training Records Records shall be kept on file for at least three years within the department of the individual who provided or coordinated the training. Alternatively, if a training record is forwarded to Environmental Health and Safety, EH&S will assume responsibility for retaining that record.
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